The WLCyouth Minister will oversee leadership of programming for Youth Ministries at the Oak Hill Campus helping to fulfill Woodbury Lutheran Church’s Mission: “to follow Jesus Christ, worshiping and growing as His disciples, serving and telling others, so that all may know Him as Savior and Lord.”
The Oak Hill WLCyouth Minister will be responsible for the following:
1. Cultural Requirements/Expectations: Live out Biblical principles and uphold the core values of WLC. Examples include:
2. The Oak Hill WLCyouth Minister will have the following Job Responsibilities:
3. The Oak Hill WLCyouth Minister will demonstrate the following skills and attributes:
4. Personal Growth and Development: The Oak Hill WLCyouth Minister will continue to grow by:
Experience: Early Career (2-5 years)
Work Place: Flexible
Job Types: Youth Pastor
Employment Type: Part-Time
Denomination: Lutheran - Missouri Synod
Location: Stillwater, Minnesota, United States
Zip Code: 55082
Hours Per Week: 10-15
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