Assist with the Development, implementation, and supervision of a vital ministry to middle school students that will effectively disciple believers and reach out to un-churched youth, and equip a leadership team of staff and laypeople.
Abilities and Qualifications
Affirm Redding Christian Fellowships doctrinal statement.
Demonstrate an authentic love for middle school students and a desire to help them develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
Have the ability to work on a team of volunteer staff.
Have the ability to communicate and get along with people across generational lines.
Maintain high levels of responsibility and organization.
Demonstrate a commitment to teamwork.
Abide by the Redding Christian Fellowship Policies and Procedures Manual, By-laws, and Statement of Faith.
Personal - Be a mature and growing disciple of Jesus Christ
Growing in spiritual life through Bible study, prayer, and faithful obedience.
Have physical, emotional, and intellectual health.
Be a regular participant in Redding Christian Fellowship church life.
Pursue personal and professional development.
Ministry Assist in developing the middle school ministry in accordance with Scripture and the mission and vision of Redding Christian Fellowship.
Assist in providing overall direction and coordination for middle school youth ministry.
Provide support in planning and developing youth retreats, mission trips, fundraisers, and other events.
Participate in the recruiting and training the volunteer leadership team for the middle school ministry.
Teach a Bible lesson regularly (though not necessarily weekly).
Contribute to the planning and facilitating of games for weekly youth meetings.
Participate in staff meetings at least once a month.
Collaborate with other ministry staff to facilitate effective partnerships between various age-specific ministries.
Be fully responsive to their supervisor regarding fulfilling assignments and attending required meetings with necessary preparation.
Perform other work-related functions as deemed necessary by a supervisor with the approval of the Board of Elders.